Friday, January 9, 2009

I Can't Find Me

Who Am I I'm not exactly sure whether my Journal will ever evolve into a particular niche. This is partly due to the fact I have a touch of ADD. Hell, I have a load of ADD, who am I kidding? I move around a lot. Literally, body parts, houses, jobs, husbands (this one's the one though) and my thoughts. Sometimes I am not even sure who I am. I feel like will the "REAL" Me please stand up. Gosh, maybe it's not ADD but something much more serious and sinister. Immediately after finishing this post I will consult Wikipedia on the definition of Schizophrenia . I do talk to myself but I haven't answered yet so I'm probably OK. ..right? Wow, this journaling stuff really is therapeutic! Now Hubby, he has a touch of OCD. He will shout from the rooftops that this is not so, oh no, oh no; but it is. I will give one example; you be the judge. This occurs each (and every) time we leave the house. Hubby backs out of garage. As we are backing out, Hubby & Me watch garage door descend. Descend (go down). Not only is it a very large door - it also makes that awful garage door noise! The second we are out of view of the garage door Hubby asks, "Did you see the garage door close?"; " I don't think I closed it." My same response each and every time; "yes dear, I saw it close". Having that touch of ADD, my impulsive reaction would be to leap out of the car while screaming and pulling my hair out as I jump up and down in front of the (CLOSED) garage door, but I can't cause what in the world would the neighbors think? That's right, 29 years together proves that ADD and OCD are a very compatible match! Maybe EHarmony can add that to their profile....Peace to the World...Kat

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Sophie - The "alpha" dog

Sophie - The "alpha" dog
Dog that fits and sits on Windowsill